graaaaaappeeesss! With apologies to The Beach Boys, we think this sentiment couldn’t be more true. California is technically a newb when it comes to grape cultivation, because the Golden State has been in the biz for “only” 200 years (a mere fraction of the 8,000 years the human race has been growing grapes). So how did this new kid on the block become the absolute It Girl of the grape game? Was there a beauty pageant? A bake off? America’s Got (grape) Talent? Well, we’re not entirely sure, but we really do hope it was the last one.
The most likely reason, however, is that our state’s climate is the absolute GOAT when it comes to growing grapes that are simply *chef’s kiss*. California’s unique, temperate weather not only produces consistently sweet, crunchy, supremely juicy grapes, it also allows for an extended harvest season as well…May to January, as a matter of fact. And that longer season helps dedicated California growers harvest a pretty inconvincible amount of grapes—over 102 million boxes in 2020!
But the best thing about California grapes? The ridiculous deliciousness level of every single variety—especially if you’re talking Pretty Lady varieties. We find them refreshing and delicious rinsed and straight off the stem, but if you’re looking to change things up a bit, check out our fantastic recipes. (I dare you to find something more adorable than a baby grape-apple skillet. Oh, wait…you can’t.)