Grape! I mean, almost. We’re not quite there yet, but we only have mere metaphorical minutes before grape season is upon us; so it’s time to dust off the ol’ green (or red, or black) textbook and prep the produce section for summer’s most poppable treat. You’re a busy grocer, and we’re busy grape-ists, so here’s the Cliff’s Notes version of what’s in store (or rather, what will be):
Despite what a popular frog might claim, we think it’s easy being green. Here are our upcoming green varieties for this year’s season:
Sugar Drop (July–August)
Esteem (July–September)
Emerald (August–November)
Autumn King (September–November)
Autumn Crisp (October–December)
When summer gets red hot, red grapes are an excellent way to cool down. Get your shoppers ready for the red varieties headed their way next month and beyond:
Flames (July–August)
Timco (August–September)
Scarlet Royal (August–November)
Scarlotta (October–December)
Our black/mixed varieties pair well with mysterious moonlit evenings and a heavy pour of pinot noir. Charcuterie plates won’t be complete without these classy Ladies:
Summer Royal (July-August)
Midnight Beauty (July-September)
Autumn Royal (September-November)
Adora (October-December)
Their grapes are beyond tasty, but we also find Pretty Lady Vineyards’ commitment to food safety and sustainability pretty darn delicious. Launched in 2018, their top seal package has a completely sealed, tamper-evident top. Consumers can rest easy knowing that if the seal is intact, nothing has touched their grapes that shouldn’t have. Pretty Lady Vineyards’ packaging is also a great option for sustainability-minded shoppers: the trays are 100% recyclable.
Looking for more info? Simply want some great inspiration for seasonal promotions and social media posts? Look no further! Click here to download our great Grape Guide!