A Grape Twist on the Traditional

Tradition is a double-edged sword. Sometimes it makes for great memories or feelings of warm-and-fuzzy nostalgia, but other times it means sticking with boring for the simple sake of “that’s the way it’s always been done”. We acknowledge there are some things that should always remain constant and true, but we’re big advocates for switching […]

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Grape Party Foods for Friendsgiving (and other Holidays)

Celebrating Friendsgiving? Here are some grape party foods to try out! These offerings work well for potluck-style meals or hosting at home. We’re not gonna lie, sometimes these recipes make their way into our regular at-home meal rotation, too. They’re that tasty. Whether you try them out once a year or eat them on the […]

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A (Very Condensed) History of Grapes

Economically speaking, grapes are one of most important fruit species grown around the world. Have they always been so popular? The short answer is yes. According to archeological evidence, grapes have been enjoyed by humans for pretty much the whole of human existence. There are records of people using grapes to create fermented beverages in […]

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Grape Kitchen Hacks

According to research from produce industry newspaper and website, The Packer, more than 60% of consumers have added grapes to their shopping cart at least once in the last 12 months.  The Packer’s Fresh Trend research also reported that grapes are especially popular among older demographics (73%) and upper class households (68%), with green seedless grapes […]

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Grape Cancer-Fighting Health Benefits!

October is nationally recognized as Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Like so many of you out there, breast cancer hits close to home for many of us at Pretty Lady Grapes. Far too many of our favorite pretty ladies have battled, and even succumbed to, the terrible disease.  Growing evidence suggests that healthy diets can help […]

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How to Make Grape Back-to-School Recipes!

Is it just us or does it feel like summer gets shorter and shorter every year?  Now that school is back in session (seriously, how did that happen?!), us parents are back to finding strategic ways to keep our kiddos well-fed without breaking the bank or monopolizing all our precious free time.  Grapes are a […]

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